Panikarian Hospital Documentation Project

Entrance of the Panicarian Hospital, 1959. From Stamoulo’s archival collection

DOCUMENTATION PROJECT ID:  Panikarian Hostpital Documentation Pages

AIM OF PROJECT and EXPECTED OUTCOMES: To document the history of the construction and function of the Panikarian Hospital of Ikaria- a story that stands as a monument of the collective endeavor of a whole local society to ensure the public/common good of Health.

Our aims in terms of expected outcomes are:

a) to make available an important amount of documents (archival material, interviews, visual material etc) to whomever is interested in this specific history for the purpose of raising public awareness (available under commons license).

b) the publication of a book on this noteworthy history and

c) the production of a documentary film.

COLLABORATORS: Documentation Research and Action Center of Ikaria,  Association of Health Workers of the Hospital of Ikaria and students from the High-School of Ayios Kyrikos, Ikaria.


  • To see the catalog of the available material on the Panikarian Hospital, press the tag ‘Panikarian Hospital‘ at the bottom of the page (BROWSE BY TAG—Not yet available in English)

Important Note: Currently this catalog is available only in Greek. For access and translations of specific available material, contact us.

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